The Next ‘Can I haz cheezburger’?’


It’s rare that I get the chance to actually watch a great phrase early in its career, before it blows up to bedevil us all with its hilarity, but this is such a time. Ladies (if you’re reading, you poor things, you) and gentlemen (if you are one; you don’t fool me for a second), I give you: WHOSE RESPONSIBLE THIS?

Here’s the history: the cultural storehouse that is Topless Robot hosts a regular feature called Fan Fiction Friday, wherein some lucky would-be writer gets their story highlighted for all the world to see. This past Friday, the lucky recipient was the user named Brickhousebunny21, and his story called “Adopting a Cute Bear Cub”, in which a woman named May adopts a Pokémon and has sex with it. YES. Here’s a mercifully brief excerpt: “I see you noticed my milk junkies.” said May in a sexy tone.” And normally I’d insert a [sic] here to indicate that what I’ve posted is as I found it, but the term [sick] is probably more appropriate.

Now, aside from the dubious content of the story itself, the thing is riddled with poor spelling, horrible grammar, and just plain bad storytelling. But whatever, it’s this guy’s story, it’s his site, he can do with it what he wants. The best part, however, is when Brickhousebunny21 decides to get pissed off at Topless Robot for giving his story some attention: “WHOSE RESPONSIBLE THIS? I wanna know whose idea was this RIGHT NOW. Who did this on purpose, huh? I found this little secret and I’m so angry I wanna know who did this and why or I’ll report everyone here to the site moderaters on this website and Yiffstar and have the one responsible BANNED FOR LIFE. NOW TELL ME WHO DID THIS NOW?” He then goes on to hilariously attempt to defend himself utilizing the same firm grasp of the technical implements of writing he employed to concoct his masterpiece. Go read it, you’ll love it.

I don’t think I need to spell this out for the readers of this site, who are all the cream of the crop of the Internet-going audience, but dear Pokémon fetishist: it’s the Internet. It’s not private. If you can be found, you can be ridiculed. End of line.

So there you have it, expect WHOSE RESPONSIBLE THIS is the next “I can haz?” Remember your roots, y’all, history is important. The More You Know … rainbow … star!

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